Welcome to the IGR -

Institut für Glas- und Rohstofftechnologie

in Göttingen. In the middle of Germay, right beneath the oldest exposed forest glassworks of Central Europe, we offer our customers analyses and consulting to all topics related to glass and its production. So, if you've got a professional interest in glass, working with it, just love it or whatever you've got to do with vials, containers, windows, bottles and many more, you are now exactly where you wanted to be.


IMPORTANT UPDATE: Our sample receipt has moved to our new address, so please send all samples from now on only to the new address, that can be found in "contact". Thank you.

We are worldwide known, acc. to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 accredited Sub-Contractor of the glass industry, raw material producers and food industry. We are using state-of-the-art analysing technologies to offer you an independent competency to ALL about glass.

Our Services At A Glance:

IGR Welcome en Rohstoffe Seite001  IGR Welcome en Recycling Seite001
IGR Welcome en Glasproduktion Seite001  IGR Welcome en Mineralfasern Seite001
IGR Welcome en Reklamation Seite001  IGR Welcome en ConSchu Seite001
IGR Welcome en FE Seite001  IGR Welcome en weiteres Seite001
To give just an example of our wide range of know how next to the "classical analysis": If you produce any food in glass containers and got a complaint by a customer about a glass splinter found, a glass analysis solely is not really sufficient. Sometimes even trace evidence forensic science services are needed by independent forensic scientists - which of course are we in that case - to find out what might have happened.
Dear reader,
please be aware, that we have decided not to translate the whole page in english, but to offer you an automized translation by google in most of our customers native languages. We really hope to fulfil your needs with this better than having only one additional language (English and German). So if you follow any link, just use the "Change language" on the top right corner and you will get the whole page translated.
If you got any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

The IGR-Team is looking forward to a successful cooperation with you.

Yours Dirk Diederich

 Glasproduktion, Glas Rohstoffe, Siebung, Glühverlust, Schüttdichte, Lot-Beprobung, CSB, Korund, Glaskeramik, Organik, KSP, Fehlfarben, Schwermetalle, Recycling, Glaseigenschaften, Glasfehler, Glaskorrosion, Blaseninhalt, Bruchursprung, EUCEB, RAL, Asbest, KMF, Mineralfasern